The DoughNADs bring on the bomboloni

June 25, 2021

Doughnut pass these up: With bomboloni becoming bigger than ever in the Klang Valley this year, The DoughNADs do a delicious version of these Italian-inspired filled doughnuts.

Expect soft, sugary treats that yield to the merest touch of the fingers as you pick them up, light and fluffy to the bite but rich and decadent to the chew.

In our box of six (RM50),  the ChocoMel might be our favourite, bringing together bittersweet chocolate with a bright caramel. The Very Berry Strawberry's stuffing is indulgently almost like melted ice cream, blending cream cheese with fresh strawberry jam, while the Tiramisu is the most elegantly subtle of this trio, gentle in its cheese and caffeine facets. We definitely should have ordered the other flavours too - the Biscoff Bombe, Vanilla Bean and Coffee Cream.

The DoughNADs

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