Nasi Kerabu Golok, Pantai Dalam
June 30, 2019
Rice recipes that straddle northeastern Malaysia and southern Thailand form the backbone of Nasi Kerabu Golok, a stall that's popular primarily for takeaways but is also on delivery platforms. Its more intriguing offerings include Nasi Khao Mok (the southern Thai version of biryani, though much less complex in its spices than India's, made yellow with turmeric and earthy with coriander roots), Nasi Berlauk (with Thai phat phet chicken, like a cross between gulai and asam pedas, brightened with kaffir lime leaves, served with not merely the chicken meat but with chunks of liver and gizzard too), and Nasi Goreng Belut (rice fried with bony morsels of eel - Malaysian eel, of course, not to be catfished for Japanese unagi).
Naturally, the namesake Nasi Kerabu is available, a Kelantan staple that's now sold in numerous mall restaurants across the Klang Valley. We prefer the Nasi Dagang here though, aromatic and glutinous, channelling the soulful authenticity of a coastal street stall not far from Pengkalan Chepa.
Nasi Kerabu Golok
GM3-03, Pusat Penjaja Bazaria Pantai, Kuala Lumpur.