Corus Hotel Kuala Lumpur: Enjoy 20% off the Peranakan Heritage Buffet Dinner

October 5, 2024

Use promo code EDKL20 to enjoy 20% off the adult price for the Peranakan Heritage Buffet Dinner at Corus Hotel Kuala Lumpur - only until 30 October 2024!

Celebrate comforting classics like authentic Ayam Buah Keluak, Pai Tee, Crab Meat Popiah, Chicken Meatball Kepiting, plus a family twist on Nyonya Laksa, and more!

Regular Price: RM98++ per adult, RM49++ per child and senior citizen (weekdays)

RM110++ per adult, RM55++ per child and senior citizen (weekends)

Contact Corus Hotel Kuala Lumpur for reservations at +6012-282-0786 or +6012-287-5820